The 843 Sprint Ops Flipper Knife, Marbled Carbon Fiber. Is it the right fit for your pocket?

Published: 1 year ago

The 843 Sprint Ops Flipper Knife, with Marbled Carbon Fiber is a bittersweet purchase for me. Earlier this year I had purchased an 843 with the OD green micarta option and all was well with the world but as I collected what knives I was going to take to Idaho for the factory tour I found that I could not find the knife. I went through all the usual suspect areas without it to be found. As I took the tour and ended up in the onsite store Tony Wagner showed me his Sprint Ops with the marble carbon fiber handle and I knew that I had to get it to replace the one I lost. The good news is I ever find the other one two is one and one is none.

843 Sprint Ops Knife

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