The Gerber Strongarm, spot the fake before wasting your money.

Published: 1 year ago

Recently I had decided to ass a Gerber Strongarm tp my collection. This isn't my first Gerber but all I've ever seen of the Strongarm is other peoples pictures and no firsthand experience. Looking I went on the internet and I ended up on Amazon where I found, "what I thought" was a good deal for the knife in question. Getting it, making a video and uploaded I soon found out from a viewer that it was a very cheap fake nd that I should do further research on it. I watched some videos and decided that firsthand knowledge is the best witness so I went to the official Gerber gear website and purchased on directly from them.
This video is to help you to know the difference and if you want the real thing you should for the effort stay away from Amazon. Instead go to a well know knife provider like BladeHq, Knife center or straight to the source at Gerber itself. Hope this helps you along your journey and please do Have A Knife Day.

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