Day Has Officially Kicked Off @GBall Vision | In Rememberance Of Brother Jason Brown

Published: 1 year ago

day is in rememberance of our fallen brother Jason Brown.

He was taken from his family/us too soon. Jason was one of the very first (probably the first) people to welcome me to the community and I think it was that way for many of us.
(His being around everyday and the way he was so generous in his words and actions was eye opening, people where I'm from aren't like that and the community is full of people like Jason and it's because of people like Jason that this community is the way it is)

Years and years ago he welcomed me and encouraged me, eventually starting my own channel - which he highly recommended me to do. I no he'd be right here egging me on.

The pouring in of love and help for his family has been inspiring and endless from our brothers in the community.

December 18th will continue to be a rememberance day for Jason as long as I'm alive & on YouTube & the things he stood for - being generous speaking generous spreading positivity will continue to be the main traits of the knife community