Retained Austenite,Overheated edges during sharpening,and burrs:What’s the big deal?
Published: 1 month ago
Check out the burr video Alex made! It clearly explains why burr creation and reduction is so crucial in the apex-forming process.
For context, here’s the short MKC publicly posted on their channel showing how they create a burr, then straighten it.
This video is for educational purposes only. I am not a metallurgist, scientist, or knife maker. This is all information you can publicly obtain yourself. I highly suggest doing your own research. This video is not to sway the opinions of any viewers on any of the products mentioned. Thanks so much for watching!
For context, here’s the short MKC publicly posted on their channel showing how they create a burr, then straighten it.
This video is for educational purposes only. I am not a metallurgist, scientist, or knife maker. This is all information you can publicly obtain yourself. I highly suggest doing your own research. This video is not to sway the opinions of any viewers on any of the products mentioned. Thanks so much for watching!