My "Collecting Philosophy"

Published: 4 years ago

In summation:
1. If I don't carry it, I shouldn't keep it
2. Use does not equal abuse
3. I don't want to be the highest bidder, or pay exorbitant secondary prices. I currently own far too many knives for this to make sense to me
4. Knives/Gear are not investments, it's a question of risk vs reward to experience and enjoy something
5. "Stop and smell the roses" each time you use it
6. You're buying the maker or company, as much as you're buying the item
7. Don't force your philosophy or rules, onto other people
8. The community and people that you surround yourself with, can either enhance, or destroy your experiences within the hobby
9. If you're feeling burnt out, take a real break and see if it's something you still value, or if it's time to move on