Sharpening stones: nagura comparison on hard and soft sharpening stone

Published: 11 years ago

Hello everyone. I'm sorry Youtube messed up this video and it's reversible sadly. Youtube auto video correction made it look like I follow the knife with the camera. it's very annoying to watch. I'm sorry!

Nagura stones are not really necessary for sharpening you knives. It just adds a little sharpness and feeling for those who are dedicated or enjoy the sharpening process.
For me the Nagura stones add a bit of satisfaction.

This is the first time using them so my opinion can still change. If you can stand watching this long video you can check the difference yourself and make your own objective conclusions.

12c27 is not very corrosion resistant so the result may differ with harder steels.

I'll be using these nagura's on the Naniwa snow white 8k in the near future.

nagura stones:
Botan (natural)
Tenjou (natural)
Naniwa (artificial)
King (artificial)

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