Sharpening: from dull to scary sharp

Published: 9 years ago

A Japanese Sushi restaurant has sent me one of their knives as a test. If they like the results they will sent me their more professional knives to sharpen.
I took the opportunity to resharpen some of my bushcraft knives as well.

Stones used:
- Naniwa Chosera 400
- Naniwa Chosera 1000
- Naniwa Chosera 3000
- Shapton ha-no-kuromaku 5000
- Naniwa snow white 8000

- Bark river black compound
- Bark river white compound

- Select horeca knife Molybdenum Vanadium
- Bark River Bravo 1 CPM-3v
- Bark River Canadian special CPM-3v
- Fallkniven A1 VG10

Please watch: "Battle of the Ultimate Chopping Knives! Which is the Best!??"