God of destruction Knives is BACK AND BETTER!! Becker BK-82 MAGNACUT!
Published: 2 months ago
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The Ka-bar Becker BK2 is a knife that hits my soft spot. It's one of my all time favourite knives just because it's a damn crowbar with an edge! and it has now been released in MAGNACUT! Meet the Becker BK82! A knife that we just HAD to try!
So how does it stack up with the other BK's? Find out in todays review!
Check out the Becker BK82
BladeHQ: https://shrsl.com/4sodg (affiliate)
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The Ka-bar Becker BK2 is a knife that hits my soft spot. It's one of my all time favourite knives just because it's a damn crowbar with an edge! and it has now been released in MAGNACUT! Meet the Becker BK82! A knife that we just HAD to try!
So how does it stack up with the other BK's? Find out in todays review!
Check out the Becker BK82
BladeHQ: https://shrsl.com/4sodg (affiliate)
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