Our NEW Knife is Here! DBK Bushfriend 2000, best value ever!?

Published: 3 months ago

Sponsored by Civivi ! Get your ultimate christmas gift or next edc knife at an amazing price with up to 28% off until December 18th!

After 3 years it is finally here!! The DBK Bushfriend 2000! Our second knife and our first production knife ever! We tried our best to deliver the best knife for it's price point.
80CrV2 steel, scandi grind, Paper micarta handle!
In this video we tested it to it's limit to show you what you can expect from our more budget friendly knife!

*Buy the DBK Bushfriend 2000 from our webshop!*
http://bit.ly/DBKshop (Sold out - Restock soon!)

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