If You Could ONLY Keep 5 Knives...It should be these!!!

Published: 4 months ago

This might be the hardest video we've ever done... if we could only keep 5 knives for the rest of our lives! a battle between practicality and plain love! This one really broke our heads but here are the 5 knives we would keep if we could only have 5 for the rest of our lives!

@BestDamnEDC If I Could Only Own 5 Knives Forever… https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IxtDcMfx4KA

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Knives shown:
benchmade Station knife: https://shrsl.com/4pig8 (affiliate)
Fallkniven CMT Delta: https://shrsl.com/4pigc (affiliate)
Rokka: https://bit.ly/RokkaDBKsex
Peltonen: https://bit.ly/MikkieSissiPuukko
Jaakaripuukko: https://bit.ly/Jaakarikakkie
Malanika: https://bit.ly/Malanikaknives
Fallkniven NL5: https://shrsl.com/3km4c (affiliate)
Fallkniven F1: https://shrsl.com/4g4ex (affiliate)
Terava Skrama:https://bit.ly/skramasex
Bark river bushcrafter ultra lite: https://bit.ly/UltraliteDBK
Benchmade bugout: https://shrsl.com/4pihl
Fallkniven Modern bowie: https://shrsl.com/4pihr
Fallkniven A1 Pro: https://shrsl.com/4ljdf
TRC Apocalypse (non DBK): https://bit.ly/TRCSouthPole
Extrema Ratio Selvans: https://shrsl.com/3bola

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