My Top 5 New Knives from Shot Show 2017 - And A YouTube Challenge!

Published: 8 years ago

I challenge Nick Shabazz, Kevin Cleary, and 7redi to list their top 5 knives from Shot Show 2017. Which ones do you guys like? Which ones should I buy?

My top 5:
1. Zero Tolerance 0055
2: Zero Tolerance 0850
3. CRKT Remedy
4. Spyderco Sliver
5. Zero Tolerance 0460

Honorable mention:
1. ZT 0920
2. Benchmade 781 Anthem - only because of it's awful clip
3. Kizer Uprising and Lancer 2
4. Spyderco Hanan

Worst Showing:
Benchmade -- very very boring releases across the board.

Follow me on instagram @doctorfrunkey

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Nick Shabazz:

Kevin Cleary:
