TuyaKnife Hive -- Hexciting Design From Vahit Dincman/BMD

Published: 5 years ago

LINK TO BUY: https://tuyaknifeus.com/shop?olsPage=products%2Fhive

You guys remember to Bade Modern Designs (BMD) Wolverine? LINK: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uitmRwTQHHY

This is Vahit Dincman's new design! The Hive, and it is in full production through Tuyaknife, a high-end Chinese knife manufacturer. From them "The Hive, designed by Vahit Dincman is a nice new addition to the Tuya line up ! The M390 blade has a vertical, belt brushed satin finish, then a half mirror polish on top of that ! Nice Titanium frame lock with a one pc Carbon fiber inlay on the inside of the scale gives it the bee hive look on the outside."

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