CANADA: Not legal vs legal folder knife. Demonstration of CBSA's idea of centrifugal force excuse.
Published: 8 years ago
Every police officer I have ever spoken with does not call the knife in the first half of this video as illegal, ONLY the CBSA has been re-interpreting the law about knives that can open by "centrifugal force". The law was intended to make balisong knives illegal in Canada but CBSA is apparently trying to keep almost all folder knives out of Canada.
Any and every fixed blade knife is legal in Canada. I can walk down the street with a 15 inch bowie knife strapped to my belt in plain view (concealed is illegal) but CBSA wants to keep every folder that can open without touching the blade out of Canada, even 2 inch blades. Their interpretation of the law is REDIQULOUS!!
If you are a Canadian please contact your MP and ask them to do something to reign in the CBSA and force them to apply the law according to how it was intended, IE in this case, to keep balisong knives out, not simple folder that have a very smooth action.
Maybe my sense of the integrity of the agencies that are supposed to serve and protect us is not intact. That is probably why I want this video to remain as anonymous and possible. Do I trust in freedom of speech? Sort of I do. I have no doubts that I would never be directly confronted by the agencies that police our superb country, but somehow I still distrust that they would refrain from putting my name and address on a "intercept packages to" list. In which case everything I buy outside of the country would be studied intensely. Do they have such a list? We don't know. If they do have such a list, would they openly admit it? They should, but would they? Etc.
Every police officer I have ever spoken with does not call the knife in the first half of this video as illegal, ONLY the CBSA has been re-interpreting the law about knives that can open by "centrifugal force". The law was intended to make balisong knives illegal in Canada but CBSA is apparently trying to keep almost all folder knives out of Canada.
Any and every fixed blade knife is legal in Canada. I can walk down the street with a 15 inch bowie knife strapped to my belt in plain view (concealed is illegal) but CBSA wants to keep every folder that can open without touching the blade out of Canada, even 2 inch blades. Their interpretation of the law is REDIQULOUS!!
If you are a Canadian please contact your MP and ask them to do something to reign in the CBSA and force them to apply the law according to how it was intended, IE in this case, to keep balisong knives out, not simple folder that have a very smooth action.
Maybe my sense of the integrity of the agencies that are supposed to serve and protect us is not intact. That is probably why I want this video to remain as anonymous and possible. Do I trust in freedom of speech? Sort of I do. I have no doubts that I would never be directly confronted by the agencies that police our superb country, but somehow I still distrust that they would refrain from putting my name and address on a "intercept packages to" list. In which case everything I buy outside of the country would be studied intensely. Do they have such a list? We don't know. If they do have such a list, would they openly admit it? They should, but would they? Etc.