Published: 8 years ago

The Ganzo G711 is a very fun knife. The blade has a very strong tip, and the full flat grind makes it a very nice slicing knife. It fits small to medium hands the best but people with large hands will enjoy this knife too.

If you want to buy this knife the best price you can find is at GearBest. On the most recent date that I checked GearBest was out of stock on this knife, but they may have it when you are reading this so check out their link because GearBest always has the best prices. (Updated Jan 12, 2017). You can also find it at Amazon. If you use any of the links I provide below, either GearBest or Amazon you will be supporting this channel by providing me with a small commission and you will still be getting the lowest possible price. Prices may vary and sites may charge shipping.


Amazon.CA: if you notice the G711 on Amazon.CA please email me so I can add it here. CanadianCuttingEdge AT

Amazon.COM: ($18.95USD on Jan 12, 2017)

For more information on the knife you can check out Ganzo's website:

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