|GIVEAWAY IS OVER| Best of 2016 Wee Knives. LITTLE knives, pocket or key-chain. My best from 2016

Published: 8 years ago

Little knives are very cool. They can be discrete carry or they can simply be convenient carry and anything in-between. There are 101 different reasons to carry a small knife. I think everyone should have a knife on them at all times. I am not even thinking primarily about self defense, I am thinking about being able to assist yourself and others in need. There are so many moments in life were it would be great if only a person had a knife handy to use.

I won't list links for all of the wee knives in this video but here are links to the top 3.

the Sanrenmu 6040:

the Sanrenmu 4112 in 4 colour options:
ONLY IN GREY NOW (Dec 2017):

AND the Sanrenmu 4077:

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