Published: 8 years ago

This is a tutorial, a "how to" video about taking a brand new pocket knife and what I do to it to make sure that it is in good condition and well prepared to give years of good service. This video will focus on liner lock / frame lock style knives.

In this video I show some products that I use (other than the strops - those are just a suggestion). Disclosure: I get a small commission if you use any of the following Amazon links. Thank you for using these links to support CCE - I am disabled and live on a small disability pension, every little bit helps keep the channel going.

Lubricants that I use. I could not find any links to the CLP oil with the metal syringe style tip. Sorry. Here are some links to purchase:
SUPER LUBE Sportsman Kit 11520
Amazon.CA: (with $23shipping =$35CAD )
Amazon.COM: ($11.47USD)

SUPER LUBE just the oiler 51010
Amazon.CA: ($9CAD total)
Amazon.COM: ($6USD total)

TETRA Gun Grease 1oz (definitely not just for guns)
Amazon.CA: (almost $25CAD with shipping)
Amazon.COM: (9.50USD)

Don't have time or inclination to make your own strop? Try the TANDY 2 side leather on wood strop - model 3525-00
Amazon.CA: ($16.60CAD)
Amazon.COM: ($12.60USD)

Canadians, for some products it's much less expensive to have friend or family from USA buy and ship it up to you or use one of the many shipping businesses that help Canadians get USA products into Canada

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