Published: 8 years ago

The BEST place for North Americans to get Ganzo knives is from Power Cutlery. They have LOW prices and ship from USA and you can get 5% off all Ganzo products when you use coupon code "cce" at checkout:

Are you looking for a new folding knife? The Firebird F756 is a very nice blade that I think you should take a look at. In this review we take a look at the two main blade versions, the black coated blade and the stone-wash blade. At the time of this review those are the only two blade options available.

You can go to in order to get up to date information on Ganzo's latest FIREBIRD and older knives. Once there you will also find that they produce multi-tools, sharpeners, and even a hatchet.

Ganzo gave us the F7562 blades and we purchased the F7563 blades from GearBest. I wish to express deep gratitude to Ganzo for giving CCE some knives to review with complete freedom to say anything we want about their knives - it just so happens that Ganzo makes GREAT knives.

If you want to buy these knives, might I suggest I find that they offer the best prices, though it might take a few weeks for the knives to arrive. If you use my links I will get a small commission and you will still get the lowest price:

First 4 the 4 knives with STONEWASH blade, the F7562's ($15-$16USD)
Carbon Fiber:

Black G10:

Orange G10:

Green G10:

Now the 3 with black coated blades, the F7563's:
Black G10:

Orange G10:

Green G10:

If you notice any of these knives for sale on Amazon, please send me a link so I can add them to this list: CanadianCuttingEdge AT

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