ONLY For CANADIAN Knife Collectors: IMPORT Confiscation Risk Mitigation and Related Info.

Published: 8 years ago

In the last 10 months I have received MANY requests from my fellow Canadians for advice on what to do, they are looking for help because CBSA has sent them a letter informing them that they are not allowing their knife purchase to be delivered. This video addresses that issue.

I have tried hard to help, but I just don't have the time or mental energy to go over the same information time and time again for each request for help. Therefore, I made this video to help answer your questions.

In this video I discuss what you can do to lower the risk that your foreign ordered knife will be stopped by CBSA and confiscated as inadmissible into Canada. I don't like to use the word "Illegal" because I believe that many of the knives that CBSA has not allowed me to receive are perfectly legal ias far as the Criminal Code of Canada is concerned, yet CBSA is allowed to make up their own interpretation of the Criminal Code and use that to confiscate out knives as they are being shipped into Canada.

I go over a number of things that I do lower the risk that a CBSA Agent will even suspect a package in the first place, thereby avoiding their scrutiny and what I recommend that you do IF you get one of those dreaded letters informing you that your knife has been banned from entering Canada.

If you have a question that you believe I have not covered in this video please do the following: 1. watch the video again, just in case you missed it the first time. I used to be a pastor and I have learned that people remember less than 1/3 of anything they watch and hear only once. So watch it again, because if you ask and I believe I covered that then I will just ask you to watch the video again. 2. If you are 100% SURE that your question was not answered in this video please email me and ask for help. Keep your question clear and to the point and I will try to respond quickly. My E-mail - CanadianCuttingEdge AT (you fix the address to make it work - I leave it like this here so that bots can't collect the address and then send me spam - I am doing risk mitigation for spam LOL.)

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