Published: 7 years ago

This Giveaway is OVER! is celebrating their 3rd Anniversary in March and I am celebrating the first Anniversary of Canadian Cutting Edge this month too. So, we got together to do a BIG GIVEAWAY.

Anyone who lives in a place where GearBest delivers knives can win on of 5 prizes.

First the rules:
1. You must be 18 years old, or have the explicit permission of a parent/guardian to enter this draw.
2. You must be a public Subscriber of Canadian Cutting Edge.
3. You must live in a country where normally ships knives. You can click on one of the links below and see if GearBest will ship to your country - if yes, then you can enter the draw.
4.You must SHARE this video with someone somehow. That can mean using the Share button in YouTube, or you can email a friend, you could dial them up on your old rotary dial home phone, or even write an old fashioned letter by hand. I don't care, as long as you tell someone about CCE and this giveaway.
5. FINALLY you have to Comment that you want to enter the draw and that you have fulfilled all of the first 4 rules.

The Date of the draw is March 20th 2017. I will post a video listing the winners on either the 21st or 22nd. Winners will then email me and let me know what their postal address is.

Here is a list of the items you can win so you can check them out on You can also use these links to buy any of the knives that you might be interested in. Please use my links because then I will get my GearBest Associate credit for it and that will help me earn enough money to pay for a new camera and lights and software and hopefully a new computer so that I can edit my videos with something better than Windows Movie Maker.

Here are the PRIZES:
1. HX Outdoors ZD-005 Black

2. HX Outdoors Survival Straight Knife

3. Ganzo G302-H Multi-tool
+ spare jaws "2pcs Jaws + 4 screws for Ganzo G302

4. Y-START JIN02 black – I may be able to get colour choice for the winner

5. Ganzo Firebird F753M1 - with BLACK G10 (not Green – I may be able to get colour choice for the winner.

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