Review of Cold Steels Roach Belly, fixed blade knife.

Published: 7 years ago

The Cold Steel Roach Belly knife is definitely a budget knife. During the course of my testing of this knife I came to decide that the role for this knife is what I am going to call a Multi-Role Camp Knife or Multi-Purpose Camp Knife, but that isn't quite as good because people will think that it has tools on it as well as a blade.
In any case, this is a low cost fixed blade that I believe is worth every penny, but because it doesn't cost an awful lot of pennies it is also a knife that has a few shortcomings too.

If you are interested in buying one of these please use my links at Amazon so that I can earn a small bit of money that will go toward maintaining this channel and getting in more knives to review.

ALSO please be aware that the advertisement at Amazon may be different than what you get. The Amazon CA advertisement says it comes with a Condura sheath but it comes a Secure-EX sheath as I show in the video. I suspect all the sites are selling them with Secure-Ex sheaths as the Condura was the older generation Roach Belly/

Amazon.CA ($18.99CAD):

Amazon.COM ($12.99USD):

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