✍Review of a pair of FURA Tactical Pens from GearBest

Published: 7 years ago

Tactical Pens are quickly becoming one of the fads of our day. I am not sure if it will remain a fad or if it will become a mainstay item in the industry. A lot of folks, guys and gals alike wonder if they should carry one. Buying a budget version to see if a tactical pen is something that fits with you and our lifestyle is a good idea. Why spend the big bucks only to find that it doesn't suit you?

GearBest has several dozen to choose from. I chose two of the lowest cost ones from FURA and bougth them a couple of months ago.

If you want either one please use my links, and thereby help CCE with a bit of funding that we get through referral commissions.

In fact, we can get referrals for ANYTHING that you want to buy from GearBest, or Amazon.COM or .CA. Just email the original link for the product to us at CanadianCuttingEdge AT Gmail.com and we will get a referral link to you ASAP (if we take too long then forget about us and go ahead - we do NOT want to become an inconvinience)

For the Brass BAMBOO style pen (as in review): http://www.gearbest.com/edc-tools/pp_549933.html?lkid=10604455

Brass BAMBOO style pen (FLAT BOTTOM): http://www.gearbest.com/edc-tools/pp_572150.html?lkid=10604452

ALUMINIUM Tactical Pen
ORANGE: http://www.gearbest.com/edc-tools/pp_602686.html?lkid=10604461

GRAY: http://www.gearbest.com/edc-tools/pp_602685.html?lkid=10604460

BLACK: http://www.gearbest.com/edc-tools/pp_602684.html?lkid=10604457

REFILLS for the FURA Aluminium

For other Tactical Pens from GearBest (please send me the links so I can create a referral link for you.) :

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