Review the Marbles Deer Track M324. An EDC Folding Knife with a Deer Track Motif.M324. An Assisted

Published: 7 years ago

The Marble's M324 is a folding knife that some people will like but I think that most people will take a pass on it. It most certainly is a VERY BUDGET knife at only $12USD but there is a certain level of quality that must be met which simply cannot be offset merely by selling the item as an uber low price.

If you do want to get this knife, it is available at for $15 USD:

or for $53.29 CAD (including the extra shipping charge) at Amazon.CA: (Don't tell me if you buy it this way, I will call you crazy, instead get it from the next link if you want it in Canada.)

Or for only $12 USD at Smokey Mountain Knife Works:

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