Review of Old Timer Capybara - Model 30OT. An Outdoor Full Tang Fixed Blade EDC Knife by Schrade

Published: 7 years ago

Schrade is the parent brand of Old Timer; as you can surmise by the name the Old Timer line of knives are blades that harken to bygone days, classic knife styles that have stood the tests of time OR blades that are of the style that make one think of days past even if the style is fairly modern. Recurve blades, with their inherent challenges with sharpening, are fairly modern phenomena, at least in terms of mass production. The 30OT looks like a wealthy man's knife from the "Old West".

The silver-nickel metal polishes up to a glistening sheen quite readily and the rosewood and ebony are engraved to not only add some good looks to the knife but to add grip to the handle as well.

I like this knife and the sheath quite a lot and despite a few shortcomings in terms of fit and finish quality, I believe it to be a knife that is worth the cost.

You can see the manufacturers website on the knife here:

If you want to buy the knife then Amazon seems to be as good a place as any to get it. Here are my referral links to the Canada and USA versions of Amazon. I thank you for supporting CCE by using my links.

Amazon.CA : - $59.00CAD

Amazon.COM: - $38.40USD

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