Full Review of the HX Outdoors D-165 "The MERCENARIES". Fixed Blade, Full Tang Knife. THE FUN KNIFE

Published: 7 years ago

Buy the D-165 here: https://www.gearbest.com/fixed-blades-knives/pp_607520.html?lkid=17094177

IF you have the GEARBEST app on your mobile device then use this link and follow the prompts - click the link, then a browser will open and on that page click on the button on the top right corner to OPEN the APP. Start here: https://www.gearbest.com/fixed-blades-knives/pp_607520.html?lkid=17094205&channel=APP

If you want a thick slab of D2 steel that exists for pure enjoyment then you will want to buy this knife from GearBest.com. They have it at the best price that I can find. Please use my referral links so that I can make a little bit of commission cash, and thereby support CCE and keep the videos coming. Thank you.

Price (as of May 4, 2017) is $59.34USD = $79.46CAD:

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