KUBEY Integral Lock Mini Pocket Folding Knife with Clip

Published: 7 years ago

The Kubey Integral Lock Mini Pocket Folding Knife with Clip is a big long name for a nice little knife. Sandvic 12C27 steel is a big plus on a knife of such low cost. It looks good and feels great in hand.
Do you want to buy one? Here are some links:

Amazon.CA (CANADA) - It was in stock at one time but not when this video was posted. If it comes back in stock it will be at this address: https://www.amazon.ca/dp/B06XZLPGNJ

Amazon.COM (does not ship to Canada) $13.99USD - free shipping: http://amzn.to/2vKIO5o

If you want to buy it from Kubey directly: http://kubeyknife.com/kubey-integral-lock-mini-pocket-folding-knife-with-clip-12c27-drop-point-blade-stainless-steel.html

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