WORLD's FIRST EXPOSURE (in English) of 2 Very Cool Knives

Published: 7 years ago

This is a video showing off 2 new knives that will be coming to the marketplace in late 2017. The knife company that makes these two knives is not all that well known, at least in the English speaking parts of the world. They have a lot of budget knives that have a reputation that this company is trying very hard to overcome, and I think these two knives, like their most recent offering are MUCH better than what they have been producing until now.

Since this part of the description can only be seen when people click on "SHOW MORE" I can give the name of the company: TEKUT. I also now have the model numbers for the knives. the TOUGH - LK5280, the TIBURON is LK5278.

The ZERO by Tekut came out earlier in 2017 and it is a minor hit in the industry, and a BIG HIT for Tekut.
You can buy the ZERO in Green and Black G10 from by using the links below.



CHECK BACK HERE for more information on the TOUGH and TIBURON as they become available.

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