UNUSUAL & STRANGE - 2 of a set of 3 Weird CIMA Fixed Blades are Reviewed here.

Published: 7 years ago

The 3 knives in this CIMA series are quite odd. The super thick spine makes them stronger than other fixed blades that you will find in this length, but they are so thick as to become somewhat unusable for traditional uses. They are more of a collector knife series than a user knife series

If you want to buy one, or all of these knives, please consider using my links. Disclosure, I do get a tiny commission when you use these referral links and complete the purchase.

G892 The one that looks a bit like a butter knife: https://www.gearbest.com/fixed-blades-knives/pp_633319.html?lkid=11428082

G898 The dagger: https://www.gearbest.com/fixed-blades-knives/pp_633318.html?lkid=11428098

G888 The bowie style knife: https://www.gearbest.com/fixed-blades-knives/pp_633320.html?lkid=11428102

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