News about the CCE Channel & News about Jake too.

Published: 6 years ago

Canadians: please sign this petition

This will go directly to our federal government, calling them to force CBSA to act in accordance with the LAW. Currently, they are taking away legal products that citizens are lawfully importing into Canada.
CBSA is not only hurting individuals, they are hurting small business as well. Businesses who sell legal knives can no longer get those knives in order to sell them.

There have been cases in court that back up the legality of the knives that CBSA is deeming inadmissible into Canada. Please sign this petition and get every other Canadian you know to sign it as well.

Today CBSA is stopping legal knives from entering Canada, what will they stop you from bringing into Canada tomorrow?


Part of me didn't want to make this video, especially with trolls around who love to crap on those who are already having a hard time of things, but I know that there are WAY more great folks out there than there are trolls so I took the risk to share my life with you.

I am not just a reviewer, no, I see CCE as a COMMUNITY of knife enthusiasts who, for the most part, love collecting knives even though our budgets are super tight. We try hard to find the best deals we can on reasonably good knives and we like to talk about these knives.

Thank you for being part of the CCE Community!!!

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