CCEU Presents: Terminology 101 for BKNs - BLADE Parts

Published: 6 years ago

This video is NOT intended to give you an exhaustive list of the parts of a knife that are accepted around the world. In fact, where you live determines quite a bit about what you will call certain parts of a knife. So, I know that there will be some viewers who will say that I got it wrong in a few places. I will respectfully disagree and remind all viewers that depending on where you live changes what you call things. This video is 100% for my personal context. Yours might be different

For example, in most of Canada, we refer to carbonated drinks that come in cans at the corner store as "pop". In parts of the U.S.A. all the various flavours of those drinks are called "coke", in other areas, it is "soda", and in other places, they are "soft drinks". Which is correct? They all are correct. The same principle is true with almost everything including knives.

If you want some sites to check out for more / other information check these out:

Jay Fisher's website - VERY thorough -

Specifically folding knife parts -

Specifically fixed blade and kitchen knives -

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