Kansept Kryo

Published: 4 years ago

The Kryo, a Kim Ning design, is a very well crafted knife! The Kryo consists of a full Titanium handle, blackwashed S35VN blade and rides on a ceramic ball bearing pivot. The Kryo is primarily deployed by a flipper tab but and ample hole in the blade allows it to be "spydie flicked" with a tad bit of effort to break the detent! Lets check it out!
Thank you very much to Kansept knives for providing the Kryo to the pass around group for review.
The mini Kryo and the Warrior are also making their way around the pass around so keep your eyes open for those reviews as well.

Kansept Kryo: https://knifeoutlet.com/knives-f-m/kansept-knives/kansept-k1001a2-kryo-folder.html

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Brighten Blades: https://brightenblades.com/?ref=77
Sharper Edges: https://sharperedges.pxf.io/c/3623394/1421215/16584
Leatherman: https://www.pjatr.com/t/TUJGR0pMTkJHRUlHTUxCR0dNS0pN
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