Home On The Range With The Cold Steel Range Boss

Published: 2 years ago

Home On The Range With The Cold Steel Range Boss

The Range Boss is a nice and slender knife that carries very well in pocket. The Zy-Ex handle gives you a superb grip but may require some attention where the pocket clip sitting as it is quite aggressive. Overall, this 9+" knife is built very well and performs they same.
Check out the Range Boss at bluecreekknives.com/bigrededc . By using that link, you automatically save 10% on your purchase.

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Blue Creek Knives: http://bluecreekknives.com/bigrededc
Brighten Blades: https://brightenblades.com/?ref=77
Sharper Edges: https://sharperedges.pxf.io/c/3623394/1421215/16584
Everyman: https://www.pjtra.com/t/TUJGRk5GSEJHRUlHTUxCRkxFSkhF
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Blue Creek Knives: Use code BIGREDEDC to save 10%
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Andar Wallet: Use code BIGRED and save 15%
Brighten Blades: Use the code bigrededc15 to save 15%
TITAN Survival: Use this link and save 10% at TITAN Survival: https://titansurvival.com/bigrededc
Southern Edge Knife Works: BIGRED saves 15% and get $5 flat rate shipping on US orders and flat rate shipping for international customers.
FLITZ: Use code BIGREDEDC at flitz.com to get 10% off

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