Unboxing THREE Loaner Knives!

Published: 4 years ago

In this video I unbox three loaner knives from my good friend Jason of the Millie, PM2, Para3 group. The knives include the Spyderco Military, Bladeswelove Paramilitary 2 Ultra, and a Carey Gordo.

You can find the Millie PM2 Para3 group on Youtube, Facebook, and Instagram with the following links.

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCLrcqYhJ9p6uZhp73IFh2Mw/videos

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1141550305997843/?ref=share

Instagram: https://instagram.com/milliepm2p3club?igshid=1innwz2wi7mui