How to spot the RAD Knives Field Cleaver Budget Clone Knife from AliExpress

Published: 7 years ago

Knife could be found here: (discontinued)
Premium version here:
More Folding Cleavers here:

The RAD Knives Field Cleaver is a very expensive (some would even say too expensive knife) so that alone should alert you about being scammed.
As for the visual differences - the clones have a D2 mark on the blade and that alone should be enough to spot a counterfeit.
The screws and the finish are also different at close inspection.

In summary - the difference between the versions is primarily in the quality of the finish.
I think both versions were done using the same blueprints.
If you just want to feel the design, the budget version might fit you.
But if you need more in terms of quality - get the premium, as it is done a bit better IMO and is more similar to the genuine RAD knife.