EDCGEAR Titanium Box Cutter/Utility Knife - Маленький Титановый Нож Резак
Published: 7 years ago
Got the knife here: https://goo.gl/BqZRng
Other folding box cutters/utility knives here: http://amzn.to/2qcAE4E
Full review could be read in my blog: http://www.bestchineseknives.com/2017/05/edcgear-titanium-box-cutterutility.html
Overall a great concept for a one-handed opening box cutter/backup blade, which is EDC'able, safe, legal, people friendly, and useful, especially in an office environment. I've found myself caring it more and more because of those qualities.
Other folding box cutters/utility knives here: http://amzn.to/2qcAE4E
Full review could be read in my blog: http://www.bestchineseknives.com/2017/05/edcgear-titanium-box-cutterutility.html
Overall a great concept for a one-handed opening box cutter/backup blade, which is EDC'able, safe, legal, people friendly, and useful, especially in an office environment. I've found myself caring it more and more because of those qualities.