HX OUTDOORS D-153 Bastard Halibut: If Strider made a slipjoint knife!

Published: 7 years ago

Check out the knife here: https://goo.gl/W3Ypyj
Competitive options:
CRKT Jorneyer: http://amzn.to/2v6Go2w
Boker Plus Slack Slip Joint: https://goo.gl/1GDn6J

Full review could be read here: http://www.bestchineseknives.com/2017/08/hx-outdoors-d-153-bastard-halibut-if.html

This knife really rocks my boat.
From one side it looks and feels tactical, from the other it is a slipjoint and will be legal to carry in places and countries that prohibit carrying locking blades (if you don't bring that key along).
It has great materials and quality, much higher than it's price might suggest. Truly makes you think this would be a knife Mick Strider would make if he made slipjoints.