Tekut Zero: My Favorite EDC Knife ATM!

Published: 7 years ago

Check out the Tekut Zero EDC Knife here: https://goo.gl/oYAqB3

Competitive options:
Ontario RAT II - https://www.amazon.com/Ontario-Knife-Sp-Black-Folding-7Inches/dp/B00BBPAOCW/ref=as_li_ss_tl?rps=1&ie=UTF8&qid=1505596506&sr=8-3&keywords=ontario+rat+2&refinements=p_85:2470955011&linkCode=ll1&tag=am789xyte96305-20&linkId=8c517ea20a80629f98dde781232bc47f
Kershaw Leek - https://goo.gl/HL4vwA

I really like this knife for EDC.

The fact that it has a 100% original design with innovative features make it an easy choice to put in the pocket and carry daily, beating even much more expensive blades to the task.

For years I've recommended the Kershaw Leek and the Ontario RAT II as one of the best small budget EDC blades out there.

I truly believe this one combines the best qualities of both (without being a clone) and beats them in their own game to the task making it a great contender to the Best Budget EDC Folder title.

Full review could be read here: http://www.bestchineseknives.com/2017/09/tekut-zero-review-best-budget-edc-knife.html

If you liked this video and found it useful - please like it and tell me in the comments - which is your favorite EDC knife (that you own)?
