WORST $1000 CUSTOM KNIFE IN THE WORLD: Apeiron Bladeworks Ganondorf

Published: 7 years ago

This knife is made by the "knifemaker" that goes by the name Apeiron Bladeworks, the model is called Ganondorf.

It is a knife that a buddy of mine ordered from the "maker" for $1000 and when it arrived he found out all sorts of issues that you don't see on a $10 gas station knife these days - bladeplay, wrong lock geometry and a blade that was either not heat treated properly or not heat treated at all (tests showed 39HRC).

When my friend asked the maker to fix those issues - the knife was sent to AB and came back in the same condition. Then the maker suggested that he uses pieces of bubblegum to stick the stop pin (didn't believe it myself until I saw the transcripts).

Then the "maker" made some inappropriate remarks and accusations and then cursed the client and blocked him.

I didn't realize how bad was this knife until I got to hold it in the hand.

It was made either by a clueless guy or by a guy who doesn't give a damn.

So, be aware and cautious when ordering custom knives and know who you are dealing with when ordering from Apeiron Bladeworks.

Full story could be heard here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I8poZotnRp4

Some better options in the $1000+ price range: https://goo.gl/TUE9RS