Published: 1 year ago

Short update on The Morris Strider.

I talked to Rob at RS Knifeworks and the guys at White Mountain Knives ...and the future of the XL Paragon is in your hands.

Today our primary focus will be on the Kizer Escort designed by Dirk Pinkerton. @Dopey6621loaned it to us for review and we very much appreciate that. Because of his generosity, I've researched Richlite as a knife scale, and learned that this Benchmede Bugout Killer was designed by Dirk himself. Things I probably wouldn't have looked up until I had the knife in hand.

Last but not least, if you're friends with MC ..check on him to see if he's ok. I've noticed a massive shift in his personality in the past 6 months and it may be all part of the show, if not...maybe he needs a friend to talk to. Regardless we wish MC and his family the very best and we hope everything is A- Okay.