What's different about this one? The Jack Wolf K9 Jack

Published: 2 years ago

On Friday August 12th Jack Wolf Knives is releasing the introductory pattern the K9 Jack which is a modern interpretation of the classic dog leg pattern. Why do they call it a dog leg, does the pattern have a controversial past? What did they do to dogs back then? The k9 Jack has a strong back spring, made from the m390s, along with bead blasted titanium. In this video I demonstrate my use of the word "little," breaking down a Keurig box for the recycling and compare the pocket knife to several others. You'll see the Vampire Jack coffin pattern, the Laid Back Jack swayback, the Little Bro Jack boys knife, the Benchmade Proper, and the Northwoods Indian River Jack.
You can find a list of dealers here: https://www.jackwolfknives.com/pages/authorized-dealers
Learn more about the K9 here: https://www.jackwolfknives.com/collections/k9-jack
And buy it from a few of my favorite places here:
Blade HQ: https://shrsl.com/3njhi
Urban EDC Supply: https://urbanedcsupply.com/drop?rfsn=6370568.3f802b&utm_source=refersion&utm_medium=affiliate&utm_campaign=6370568.3f802b

Further watching for my EDC Theory
My 10 favorite pocket knives: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jT07B8sNGYc
Best Budget EDC folding knife: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lwa33HbLfcU
How to Pick the Perfect EDC light: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lwa33HbLfcU
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