$40 Council Tools Boys Axe vs $100 Hult Bruks Kalix Felling axe. Before and after Inflation!!!

Published: 1 year ago

This comparison video between the Made in USA Council Tool vs the Swedish Made Kalix has been 5 and a half years in the making. In the before inflation times these axes cost betwen 40 and 100 bucks. Now they will both set you back 70-140. The video goes over the differences, talks about various axe patterns, the parts of the axe, and more. Also appearing in the video is the Estwing Fireside Friend, and the Fiskars x27. You can see the old product listings below. Many are affiliate links and support the channel, if you purchase through them.
Council Tools Boys axe: https://amzn.to/49vlw72
Hults Bruks Kalix: https://amzn.to/3w9rUT0
Updated Boys Axe Design: https://amzn.to/3UvWPmH
Lansky sharpener used in video: https://amzn.to/3HTrvXl
Hults Bruk: https://wisementrading.com/wood-working/hults-bruk-axes/hults-bruk-agdor-28-yankee-felling-axe-kalix/
Whiskey River Trading: https://whiskeyrivertrading.com/council-tool
Fiskars X27: https://amzn.to/3uzPaZO
Estwing Fireside Friend: https://amzn.to/3uAAVUz
Council Tools Official Product Page: https://counciltool.com/shop/axes/sport-utility-axes/2-25-boys-axe-28-curved-wooden-handle-sport-utility-finish/
Hults Bruks Agdor 28" Yankee: https://hultsbruk1697.se/products/the-agdor-28-yankee-felling-axe/

Further watching for my EDC Theory
My 10 favorite pocket knives: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jT07B8sNGYc
Best Budget EDC folding knife: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lwa33HbLfcU
How to Pick the Perfect EDC light: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lwa33HbLfcU
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Some links below my videos may contain affiliate links. Purchasing stuff can support the channel. If you find that disagreeable Google works.