Is the Arc the best Leatherman Multitool? Comparing to Wave, Charge, & other tools with @CedricAda

Published: 1 year ago

The multi tool and every EDC community is abuzz over the brand new @LeathermanToolGroup Arc. This review will compare it to many of their other tools including the Charge + TTi, the Surge, the old wave, the Juice, the Micra, the OHT, the Free P4, and more. Even an old Gerber multitool shows up. The Arc is Leathermans newest tool featuring all one handed external opening tools and the Free magnet technology. It has a blade featuring the magical supersteel known as Magnacut. Also Pete joins me from Cedric and Ada Outdoors to do some serious edge retentions tests on the new Magnacut blade. Does it stack up?
Buy Leatherman Arc here to support my channel:
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Buy the Wave here:
Learn all about the Arc from Leatherman's official site:
You can find a text based version of this review on Knife Informer:
Magnacut info:

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