Ultimate Benchmade Knives Ranked: All the ones I've kept, sold, love, and hate.

Published: 9 months ago

I love a lot of Benchmade knives, and in this video I will asses every one I've ever bought, sold, or borrowed. Which ones are keepers, which ones suck. You'll see the Freek, Griptilian, Bugout, Monolock, Crooked River, Fact, the Boost, Presidio, Pagan and more. I give an unvarnished assessment on the knives from the sometimes controversial knife maker. These are great Made in USA knives, and are among some of the favorite in my collection. As you can see I have put all of these knives through a lot, and they've always held up pretty well. Full reviews are linked below.
Benchmade Knives at BladeHQ: https://shrsl.com/4kgxt
Benchmade Knives at Bladeops: https://bladeops.com/knife-brands/benchmade-knives/?aff=5
Full Reviews
Proper: https://youtu.be/_hwvjKbkAgU
Pagan: https://youtu.be/A60U-grY8OA
Freek 560: https://youtu.be/P74dXXi0bgs
Boost: https://youtu.be/f8NSmneONxU
Fact: https://youtu.be/14whSJBDCVs
Mini Crooked River: https://youtu.be/tG4EmGN5D1s
Full size: https://youtu.be/_A_lpC7EHCU
Mini Griptilian: https://youtu.be/N_1B0WOlpW8
Bugout: https://youtu.be/yNuHHwj0IMc
940-1701 Going Gear: https://youtu.be/PCYSPkLajgA
Ganzo Remix: https://youtu.be/rxQLksK_K3M
940-1: https://youtu.be/JhakICkLm9s
Precinct: https://youtu.be/IDs0A_nqbWg
Nimravus: https://youtu.be/Ikf3vAbzW3E
765 Monolock: https://youtu.be/FvpvT26AvWo
551: https://youtu.be/ycHreRmGJio
Further watching for my EDC Theory
My 10 favorite pocket knives: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jT07B8sNGYc
Best Budget EDC folding knife: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lwa33HbLfcU
How to Pick the Perfect EDC light: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lwa33HbLfcU
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