Flashlight Review: Noctigon M43 Meteor 6300 lumens! Worlds Smallest & Brightest of 2016?

Published: 9 years ago

Probably the current champ for the worlds smallest and brightest LED flashlight of 2015 or 2016. It was certainly my favorite and the best flashlight of the year. This light can crank out as much as 8000 lumens depending on which configuration you buy it in. It's shorter than most single 18650 based flashlights and smaller in diameter than a coke can.

Visit: http://intl-outdoor.com/noctigon-418650-meteor-m43-p-864.html to check out the light and buy it.
Or you can buy it in the US at: http://www.mtnelectronics.com/index.php?route=product/product&path=80&product_id=505
Recommended Batteries: http://www.mtnelectronics.com/index.php?route=product/product&path=59_88&product_id=541

Also as a correction... I incorrectly said 6600 lumens in the video... it's actually 6300 lumens. A 6600 lumen version is available in the NW S3 3D emitter option... so you can get a 6600 lumen version should you choose!

Make sure you check out my Instagram at Advanced Knife Bro.