Lumintop IYP365 Nichia Flashlight Review. A nice penlight with a good tint.

Published: 8 years ago

Lumintop has released a new classy pen sized flashlight called the IYP-365. It has 3 modes, and a nice slightly warm-tinted Nichia 219BT that puts out about 130 lumens on the highest mode. This review tests runtimes on AAA alkalines and eneloops, has beamshot comparisons, and actual night use shots. It’s now my favorite penlight and would make an excellent small EDC light. Probably the best penlight I've ever tested. This penlight is small enough for pocket carry, so check out this short flashlight review. The light is also available in a cool white Cree XP-G2 version. You'll also see a Fenix LD15, BLF-348, Astrolux M01, and CooYoo Quantum in this review.

If you like this light, but it at Amazon here: