Acebeam K70 Flashlight Review. The best throwing production flashlight of 2016- 500,000 candela!

Published: 8 years ago

The Acebeam K70 is the farthest throwing production flashlight ever built- at least up until August of 2016. So let's call it the king of throw. That means the beam on this flashlight travels a greater than any flashlight I've ever owned or tested. In this review I do a comparison of the K70 to the Nitecore TM16GT, the Acebeam T20, The Convoy L6, and the Nitecore TM03. I go over it's operation, test it's output lumens and candela, and more. I've tested this light to output over 2700 lumens, with 522,000 candela of throw. If you're looking for the best throwing flashlight for 2016, this is it. You know, other than something modded by Skylumens. For a real light that can blind a bear, this is the one. And no it's not a Bell and Howell Taclight, lumitact G700, a Shadowhawk x800 or banned insane military technology. Because those all suck.

To purchase this light with or without batteries, get it at:

Use the coupon code "AKB" for 10% off. And make sure to pick up a charger if you don't have one either:
