The 5000 Lumen HaikeLite MT07 Buffalo Flashlight Review. A Big Thrower with Attitude.

Published: 8 years ago

Do you like big powerful searchlights? Flashlights that are bigger and brighter than all your friends? Check out the new for 2016 Haikelite Buffalo. A big imposing thrower with, plenty of modes and a tripod mount. It’s one of the brightest, most powerful flashlights I own. In this review I test runtimes, output levels, and do a big beamshot comparison. You’ll see old favorites like the Nitecore TM16GT, the Acebeam K70, the Convoy L6, and the Noctigon Meteor- the brightest most compact lights you can buy. You can buy this light and the recommended batteries for it, by visiting HaikeLite's website.