EDC Pocket Dump or The Things I Every Day Carry

Published: 7 years ago

This viewer request video has been coming for some time. In this video I go over some basics of why I carry a multitool, a flashlight, and pocket knife. I talk about my preferences for what I carry. In this video you'll see the Leatherman Wave, the Leatherman PST, the iPhone 6 Plus, an Otterbox Commuter, a Filson Wallet, a Zebralight SC600w Mk III, a Benchmade 940-1, a wallet from Phils Wallets, a Nitecore TIP, the Benchmade 765, the Spyderco Endura 4, the Olight S2 copper, The Spyderco Yojimbo 2, the Spyderco Para Military 2, and more. I have reviewed most of these EDC items, so check out my reviews for those.

Zebralight SC600 MkIII review:

Benchmade 765:

Benchmade 940-1:

Spyderco Endura 4:

Olight S2 Copper:

Spyderco Yojimbo 2:

Spyderco Para Military 2: