Olight X7R vs. X7 Flashlight Review. A 2017 update comparison and test against the original.

Published: 7 years ago

Olight has updated their big lumen X7 with the new for 2017 model the X7R. This review compares the 2016 original with the new updated version. I test the manufacturers lumens figures turbo runtimes, and more. This new version includes USB-C charging, an integrated battery pack and a proximity sensor that automatically cuts the light when you get too close to objects. This video also has a beamshot comparison section where I pit the light against other lumen monsters like the Acebeam X45, the Noctigon Meteor, the Imalent DT70, and the Zebralight SC600 mk III. You can buy the light at goinggear.com. Use the code AKB for a discount:
