Parametrek The Flashlight Search Engine: A Great Resource for Outdoor Gear Enthusiasts
Published: 7 years ago is one of the greatest resources you can find for people wanting to do research on a new flashlight. Let me explain how... While I mostly do reviews of things, occasionally I like to alert you to helpful non-porn areas of the internet that might waste a few more hours of your time- instead of wasting it watching my videos, or Facebook, or gambling sites. How about a flashlight and headlamp search engine that allows you to select all the features you want called
It's a site where a dude makes flashlight spread sheets behind the scenes (because that’s his thing) and makes all of those features searchable. So you can look for flashlights based on parameters like: lumens, beam distance, types of batteries, color, strobe, runtimes, modes, price and more. The website is pretty easy to navigate and if you can't figure it out from using it for about 20 seconds you're kind of an idiot. Thanks to for doing all that work for all of us idiots! Like verifying lumens, features, and sorting through all the eBay and Amazon noise to find the actual specs. Make sure you bookmark It along with Budget Light Forum, Reddit's r/flashlight and, Candlepower Forums is an invaluable resource.
Check out the tutorial video that goes into a bit more depth than me:
It's a site where a dude makes flashlight spread sheets behind the scenes (because that’s his thing) and makes all of those features searchable. So you can look for flashlights based on parameters like: lumens, beam distance, types of batteries, color, strobe, runtimes, modes, price and more. The website is pretty easy to navigate and if you can't figure it out from using it for about 20 seconds you're kind of an idiot. Thanks to for doing all that work for all of us idiots! Like verifying lumens, features, and sorting through all the eBay and Amazon noise to find the actual specs. Make sure you bookmark It along with Budget Light Forum, Reddit's r/flashlight and, Candlepower Forums is an invaluable resource.
Check out the tutorial video that goes into a bit more depth than me: