Hinderer XM18 3 vs 3.5 inch Knife Comparison Review. Titanium S35VN wow.

Published: 6 years ago

Chris Reeves are Hinderer's expensive, and in this review I explore why and compare the EDC classic XM-18 3 and 3.5 inch versions along with a lot of premium knives. These every day carry knives feature frame locks, S35VN, titanium, G10, and sharp edges. I even baton with one. If you'd like to support the channel buy stuff here.
Buy the XM-18 3.0 at Blade HQ: http://shrsl.com/153zw
Or the XM-18 3.5: http://shrsl.com/15400
Hinderer Tactcical pen: https://amzn.to/2NHPefe
Hinderer designed ZT 0393: https://amzn.to/2NLhrSb
Hinderer Kershaw Cryo: https://amzn.to/2NNdxsb